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2013 year’s holiday arrangement of China National Festivals


The international students enjoy the sameholidays as Chinese students does, but they have no holidays for othercountries’ anniversaries or traditional festivals. The students can see theholiday arrangement on university calendars. Wuhan University will publish thenotice about specific holiday’s arrangement. The international students pleasepay attention to the class timetable that No.102 teaching management officenotified.

Beside the summer and winter holidays, themain China national holidays are as following


vacation  schedule

Working  days

Length  of holidays

New  Year’s Day

Jan.  1st to Jan. 3rd

Jan.5th(Sat.),  Jan. 6th(Sun.)

3  days

Spring  Festival

Feb.9th  to Feb. 15th

Feb.16th(Sat.),  Feb. 17th(Sun.)

7  days

National  Day

Apr.  4th to Apr. 6th


3  days

May  Day

April  29th to May. 1st

Apr.27th(Sat.),  Apr.28th(Sun.)

3  days

Dragon  Boat Festival

June  10th to June 12th

June  8th(Sat.), June 9th(Sun.)

3  days

Mid-autumn  Day

Sept.19th  to Sept. 21st

Sept.  22nd(Sat.)

3  days

Tomb-sweeping  Day

Oct.  1st to Oct. 7th

Sept.29th(Sat.),  Oct.12th(Sun.)

7  days