
School of Medicine Sciences

The School of Medical Sciences, established in 1976 and named the Department of Basic Disciplines,officially took the present name in June, 2006. It is composed of 12 teaching divisions, 4 medical experimental centers and 6 research institutes with 11 Master’s degree programs and two PhD. programs for immunology and pharmacology. Currently, we offer 10 provincial Fine-designed Courses, and boast 4 provincial key laboratories as well as 1 provincial training center. Moreover, our specialty of biotechnology is recognized as a “Specialty with Distinctive Features” of Anhui Province.

Among our 223 faculty and staff members (88% have Ph.D.s or Master’s degrees), there are 29 professors and 54 associate professors, of whom 7 are doctoral supervisors and 79 Master’s supervisors, with 79 entitled with special allowances from the State Council or Anhui Provincial Government, one selected into the second-level candidates for “New Century National Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talent Project” , four as Academic and Technological Leaders of Anhui Province and 12 backup candidates. Twelve of us are selected to be the backup candidates of Provincial Discipline Leaders and 13 have become Young Backbone Teachers of Anhui Provincial Colleges and Universities. There are in our faculty 3 Top Talents, 4 candidates of Young Discipline Leaders, 5 Excellent Young Backbone Teachers of the Tenth Five-Year Plan for Anhui Provincial Colleges and Universities. Among other things, there are 4 Provincial Teaching Celebrities and 5 Provincial Teaching Stars in our school.

Our school undertakes multi-level teaching tasks of basic medical courses for students of seven-year clinical medicine, five-year clinical medicine, preventive medicine, pharmacology, nursing and clinical laboratory medicine. In addition, we also undertake clinical diagnosis in pathology for the two affiliated hospitals.

While teaching is our central mission, significant energy is also devoted to research. In the past 3 years, we have undertaken 1 research program for Project 863 and 1 for Project 973 respectively. 25 research programs are sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation. Besides 1 invention patent, we have published in SCI-cited periodicals over 100 papers with independent intellectual property rights.