
Doctorate Student's Supervisors

Jun Li, Professor of Pharmacology

Director of Institute of Anhui Pharmaceutical Research, Chair of the University Council, Anhui medical university, Ph.D. Supervisor,Member of council of Chinese Pharmacological Society,Member ofcouncil of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, Vice director of Pharmaceutical Care Committee of Chinese pharmacological society, Commissary of clinical pharmacology committee of Chinese pharmacological society,Commissary of Traditional Chinese medicine and natural medicine of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, He mainly focus on anti-inflammatory and immune pharmacology,clinical pharmacology and bioactive components of natural medicines. He foundthe effects of epigenetics and TRPM7 in the liver disease. He has published many nationally-received books and over 150 SCI papers on these subjects. Uptill now he held 7 national nature science foundations and guided over 100masters and doctors. Professor Jilong Shen, supervisor of Doctoral degree students, director of the Provincial Key Laboratory of Parasitology, chief-editor of college student textbook, and atop-talent in the colleges of Anhui province, has been awarded as an Advanced Worker, Prominent Teacher, ethics Model as Teacher of the province. Prof. Shen received academic training at Teichyo University of Japan in 1980’and worked at Case Western Reserve University in the US as a visiting scholar in 1990’. Prof.Shen is currently the vice president of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology in Chinese Medical Association and the associate editor of Chinese Acta of Zoonosis,one of the top journals in preventive medicine in China. His researches have been funded by the National Science Foundation and other state funding resources. Over 200 publications have come out since 30 years ago.


Xuejun Zhang, President of AHMU

Professor of Dermatology and Venereology; President of Anhui Medical University; Director of Key Laboratory of Dermatology, Ministryof Education, Anhui Medical University; Honorary Chairman of Chinese Society of Dermatology; President of Asian Dermatological Association and Board ofDirector; Board member of International League of Dermatological Societies. Hemainly focuses on the genetic study of skin complex diseases in terms ofpsoriasis, vitiligo, SLE, leprosy, atopic dermatitis and as well as monogenic skin diseases.  He has found susceptibility loci or genes for more than 10 kinds of monogenic skin diseasesby using linkage study. By using genome wide association study (GWAS), he hasfound a series of novel susceptibility genes or loci for psoriasis (Nat Genet,2009, 2010), SLE (Nat Genet, 2009), leprosy (New Engl J of Med, 2009; Natgenet, 2011), vitiligo (Nat Genet, 2010), atopic dermatitis (Nat Genet, 2011) andDSAP(Nat Genet, 2012). He has published 216 SCI papers, including 1 article inthe New England Journal of Medicine and 16 papers in Nature Genetics. And heheld 15 national nature science foundations.


Professor Yunxia Cao, MD, PhD

Vice-President of Anhui Medical University

Doctoral degree students’ supervisor

Medical Director of Reproductive Medicine Centre, the 1st affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University

Dean of Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Anhui Medical University

Since 2003, Professor Cao has published more than 20 monographs and 150 papers.

Member of Standing Committee of Chinese Society of Reproductive Medicine, Chinese Medical Association

Expert for evaluation of Reproductive Medicine technology, Ministry of Health

Expert for evaluation of China Medical Award

Expert making outstanding contributions,Ministry of Health

Excellent scientific and technical worker,P.R. China

Top 100 most influential women in Hefei City


Professor Jilong Shen

Supervisor of Doctoral degreestudents

Director of the Provincial Key Laboratory of Parasitology

Chief-editor of college student textbook, and a top-talent in the colleges of Anhui province, has been awarded as an Advanced Worker, Prominent Teacher, ethics Model as Teacher of the province. Prof.Shen received academic training at Teichyo University of Japan in 1980’and worked at Case Western Reserve University in the US as a visiting scholar in 1990’. Prof. Shen is currently the vice president of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology in Chinese Medical Assiciation and the associate editor of Chinese Acta of Zoonoses, one of the top journals in preventive medicine in China. His researches have been funded by the National Science Foundation and other state funding resources. Over 200 publications have come out since 30 years ago.


Professor Wei Wei, MD, PhD

Director, Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of Anhui Medical University

Director, Key Laboratory of Anti-inflammatory & Immune Medicine, Education Ministry of China.

Councillor, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR)

Vice President of Chinese Pharmacological Society(CPS)

Chairman of Division of Clinical Pharmacology of CPS

Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin.

The major research fields of Prof Wei Weiinclude anti-inflammatory and immunological pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and molecular pharmacology. During the past years, he applied himself to the workof teaching and scientific researches. He managed the investigations from theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, the national 863 items, the nationalscience and technology creative item, the national new medicine clinical trial,etc. He fruitfully combines basal study with applied study, and made productive progresses. Prof Wei Wei has trained more than 80 master students and 50 PhD students, and published more than 100 SCI papers.


Qiang Wu PhD, Msc, MBBS

Professor of Medicine

Director of the Department of Clinical Pathology

Dean of School of International Education

Director of Foreign Affairs Office

Dr. Wu is devoted to the study of cancers of breast and female genital organs, being involved in the projects of cellular and molecular biology. He and his co-workers have published their research results in international and domestic journals, such as Cancer Research,Cancer, International Journal of Cancer, BMC Cancer, Journal of Ovarian Research, Shock, Chinese Journal of Cancer Research, Chinese Journal of Pathology, Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine, Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, Journal of Cellular andMolecular Immunology and others.