
School of Public Health of AHMU

The School of Public Health is composed of 90 faculty members, including 14 professors, 22 associate professors, 5 senior technicians and 6 academic and technical leaders of Anhui Province .

The School of Public Health consists of 8 departments which are Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, Department of Labor Health and Environmental Hygiene, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Department of Maternal and Child Health, Department of Hygienic Toxicology, Department of Health Inspection and Quarantine, Department of Community Health and General Medicine and Department of Health Supervision. Public Health and Preventive Medicine Experimental Demonstration Center is a provincial demonstration one. The school has 5 undergraduate majors (directions) such as Preventive Medicine, Maternal and Child Health, Medical Inspection, Food Quality & Safety as well as Health Inspection.

As the experimental unit of degree training of MPH, there are 2 subjects authorized to offer doctorate degrees in Epidemiology & Health Statistics and Maternal & Child Health and a first-class subject for master degree authorization in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. A post-doctoral research station is included in the Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

Epidemiology & Health Statistics and Maternal & Child Health are provincial key disciplines.

Preventive Medicine has become a construction spot for specialty with characteristic features nationally. Besides, Epidemiology is a state-level fine-designed course. In addition, the School of Public Health has 6 provincial fine-designed courses and receives the second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award.

During the Eleventh Five-Year " plan period, School of Public Health National has won one project of National "863" plan, one major project of National Science & Technology Pillar Program, one major project of National Natural Science Fund, 24 on-surface projects of National Natural Science Fund, 12 international cooperation projects of European Union Sixth Frame Agreement and 6 projects of National Health Standards. More than 150 research papers have been published in SCI-cited journals and the first prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology has been achieved.